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Don’t Wait—Make Your Maintenance Appointment

The last thing you want is an impromptu breakdown before work or another important trip. The best way to keep your car, truck, or SUV safe and road-ready is preventative maintenance and regular tune-ups. Before your car even begins to malfunction, bring it in to the mechanics at Hillen Tire and Auto Service Tire Pros. We offer comprehensive check-ups and diagnostic services to ensure your vehicle takes you when you need to go. Don’t allow car trouble to surprise you—visit our Maryland service station for the gold standard in auto care.

Mechanic performing thorough engine check in Timonium, MD

Routine Maintenance Right on Schedule

Keeping your vehicle well-maintained involved keeping track of when your last maintenance appointment was. Most cars and trucks require tune-ups at regular intervals, and it’s crucial to stay on schedule. The owner’s manual will give you the most accurate information on how and when to properly maintain your vehicle, but it’s never a bad idea to read up on the general wisdom. Most motorists should request preventative maintenance every 30,000 miles or once a year. Specific systems should be checked seasonally. And, of course, you should never forget to have an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Our team can answer any questions not addressed in your owner’s manual.

What to Expect From Our Services

Preventative maintenance should be all-inclusive. As such, the team at Hillen Tire and Auto Service Tire Pros makes every effort to inspect each component of your car. We’ll take a look at the most common problem areas, as well as any reasons for concern. You can expect the following services when you visit us for a tune-up:

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